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boat rentals, jet ski rental, yacht rentals, lake lewisville, denton, lewisville, the colony, pier 121, sneaky pete's, boat and jet ski rental, rentals, rental, pontoon, ski boat, water sports, wakeboard, kayak, trinity river
Military & First Responder Special
We Pay Your Tax on all Rentals

Must show valid military ID- Full Day Only

Must Pay Cash to receive discount

boat rentals, jet ski rental, yacht rentals, lake lewisville, denton, lewisville, the colony, pier 121, sneaky pete's, boat and jet ski rental, rentals, rental, pontoon, ski boat, water sports, wakeboard, kayak, trinity river
Weekday Special
5% OFF- Half Day
10% OFF- Full Day

Specials Valid for Monday-Thursday Rentals


boat rentals, jet ski rental, yacht rentals, lake lewisville, denton, lewisville, the colony, pier 121, sneaky pete's, boat and jet ski rental, rentals, rental, pontoon, ski boat, water sports, wakeboard, kayak, trinity river
Accessories Discount
Only $5.00 with a Weekday Rental Monday - Thursday


boat rentals, jet ski rental, yacht rentals, lake lewisville, denton, lewisville, the colony, pier 121, sneaky pete's, boat and jet ski rental, rentals, rental, pontoon, ski boat, water sports, wakeboard, kayak, trinity river
Boater's Education
$20 OFF- Ski Boat Rentals
$10 OFF- Pontoon Rentals

Must provide boater's education certification

15% OFF Rentals
with any Tree Service by
Golden Tree Maintenance

Services must be completed after January 1, 2014

**Must Mention Special when booking reservation**

May not be combined with any other offers

Weekday , Accessory, and Boater's Education Card Specials not available for Holidays

Click Links Below

For Additional Specials

10% OFF Rentals
for Current Customers of
GTM Storage/ Warehouse

Must be a Current Tenant with no outstanding balance

G.T. Rentals * 1047 Business Highway 121 East * Lewisville * Texas * 75057 * Tel: 972.219.9281

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